About The Breed

The Irish Water Spaniel is a medium-sized, curly-coated breed known for its intelligence, versatility, and excellent swimming abilities. With a distinctive, water-resistant coat that forms tight, corkscrew-like curls, this breed is well-equipped for waterfowl hunting and retrieving in challenging conditions. Energetic, friendly, and highly trainable, Irish Water Spaniels are known for their strong work ethic and eagerness to please. They are excellent companions for active families or individuals who enjoy outdoor activities, especially those involving water. The breed is good with children and other pets, and their playful nature makes them engaging and fun-loving. Due to their curly coat, regular grooming is required to prevent matting, and their active nature means they need ample exercise, such as swimming, running, and playing. The Irish Water Spaniel thrives in environments where they can stay busy, making them ideal for owners who can provide both physical and mental stimulation.

My Profile

Dog Breed:

Irish Water Spaniel


12 - 13 years


21 - 24 inches


45 - 68 pounds

Breed Group:


Shedding Amount:


My Info

The Irish Water Spaniel is a medium-sized, curly-coated breed known for its intelligence, versatility, and excellent swimming abilities. With a distinctive, water-resistant coat that forms tight, corkscrew-like curls, this breed is well-equipped for waterfowl hunting and retrieving in challenging conditions. Energetic, friendly, and highly trainable, Irish Water Spaniels are known for their strong work ethic and eagerness to please. They are excellent companions for active families or individuals who enjoy outdoor activities, especially those involving water. The breed is good with children and other pets, and their playful nature makes them engaging and fun-loving. Due to their curly coat, regular grooming is required to prevent matting, and their active nature means they need ample exercise, such as swimming, running, and playing. The Irish Water Spaniel thrives in environments where they can stay busy, making them ideal for owners who can provide both physical and mental stimulation.

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Fun Dog Facts

• Dogs can recognize themselves in a mirror by scent rather than sight – They use their sense of smell instead of vision.

• Dogs can learn to use buttons to "talk" to humans – Some dogs communicate with programmed speech buttons.

• Dogs can distinguish between happy and angry human voices – They react differently based on tone.

• Dogs learn new words faster when they are spoken in a playful tone – They prefer positive reinforcement.

• Dogs can read human body language even without training – This skill comes from thousands of years of domestication.

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