About The Breed

Known for their remarkable sense of smell and tracking abilities, the Bloodhound is a large, powerful breed. Originally bred for hunting and search-and-rescue work, Bloodhounds have an incredible nose, capable of tracking scents over great distances and through challenging terrain. Despite their intense work ethic, they are friendly, affectionate, and loyal dogs that bond closely with their families. Bloodhounds are good with children and get along well with other pets, though their independent and sometimes stubborn nature can make training a challenge. Their loose, wrinkled skin and long ears give them a distinct, soulful appearance. Regular exercise is important to keep them physically and mentally stimulated, and their unique scenting abilities make them invaluable working dogs.

My Profile

Dog Breed:



10 - 12 years


23 - 27 inches


80 - 110 pounds

Breed Group:


Shedding Amount:


My Info

Known for their remarkable sense of smell and tracking abilities, the Bloodhound is a large, powerful breed. Originally bred for hunting and search-and-rescue work, Bloodhounds have an incredible nose, capable of tracking scents over great distances and through challenging terrain. Despite their intense work ethic, they are friendly, affectionate, and loyal dogs that bond closely with their families. Bloodhounds are good with children and get along well with other pets, though their independent and sometimes stubborn nature can make training a challenge. Their loose, wrinkled skin and long ears give them a distinct, soulful appearance. Regular exercise is important to keep them physically and mentally stimulated, and their unique scenting abilities make them invaluable working dogs.

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Fun Dog Facts

• Great Danes grow 100 times their birth size in the first year – One of the fastest-growing breeds.

• The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world – Some weigh less than 2 pounds!

• The Saint Bernard was originally bred for mountain rescues – They helped find lost travelers.

• Border Collies are the most intelligent dog breed – They can learn new commands in under 5 repetitions.

• The Norwegian Lundehund has six toes on each foot – This helps them climb rocky terrain.

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