About The Breed

The Norwich Terrier is a small, energetic dog with a wiry coat and an alert, cheerful personality. Known for its courage and intelligence, this breed is friendly, affectionate, and enjoys being part of the family. Despite its small size, the Norwich Terrier has a strong hunting instinct and requires regular exercise and mental stimulation.

My Profile

Dog Breed:

Norwich Terrier


12 - 15 years


9 - 10 inches


12 - 14 pounds

Breed Group:


Shedding Amount:


My Info

The Norwich Terrier is a small, energetic dog with a wiry coat and an alert, cheerful personality. Known for its courage and intelligence, this breed is friendly, affectionate, and enjoys being part of the family. Despite its small size, the Norwich Terrier has a strong hunting instinct and requires regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Fun Dog Facts

• Dogs' sense of direction is influenced by the Earth's magnetic field – They instinctively align themselves north-south when pooping!

• Dogs can detect electrical activity from storms before humans hear thunder – That’s why they get anxious before a storm.

• Dogs can be trained to detect bed bugs, termites, and even gas leaks – Their noses are more reliable than machines in some cases.

• Dogs sometimes "smile" when they’re happy – This is different from an aggressive baring of teeth.

• Dogs prefer sleeping near their owners for safety and comfort – It’s a pack instinct.

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