Hello! This is Baron!

Thank you for stopping by to check me out! My name is Baron! You can search the world and not find a sweeter puppy than me. Some may say that I am spoiled, but I think that I am just well loved. I would be more than honored if you choose me to love you fur-ever. I promise that every day we spend together will be special. We can play, cuddle, and laugh at all the silly things we will do. Please call now! I want to start planning all the fun things that best friends do!

My Profile




Cream & White




4 - 5 lbs




11 weeks

My Info

Thank you for stopping by to check me out! My name is Baron! You can search the world and not find a sweeter puppy than me. Some may say that I am spoiled, but I think that I am just well loved. I would be more than honored if you choose me to love you fur-ever. I promise that every day we spend together will be special. We can play, cuddle, and laugh at all the silly things we will do. Please call now! I want to start planning all the fun things that best friends do!

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Dog Meals

Hydrating Watermelon & Yogurt Treat (For Hot Days)


• 1/2 cup seedless watermelon (pureed)
• 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
• 1 tbsp chia seeds


1. Blend watermelon – Mix with yogurt.
2. Stir in chia seeds – Freeze for a cold treat.

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