Hello! This is Spruce!

Hi, I'm Spruce! A picture is worth a thousand words and I'm sure that's why you clicked on me! I'm a beautiful puppy with a great disposition. I have wonderful parents who have started teaching me how to be a great companion. I hope to come home to you soon, so I can show you what I've learned. I come with a microchip, UABR registration papers, and my dew claws removed. I'm waiting for you to pick me. You won't regret it!

My Profile


Shih Tzu


Liver & White




6 weeks





My Info

Hi, I'm Spruce! A picture is worth a thousand words and I'm sure that's why you clicked on me! I'm a beautiful puppy with a great disposition. I have wonderful parents who have started teaching me how to be a great companion. I hope to come home to you soon, so I can show you what I've learned. I come with a microchip, UABR registration papers, and my dew claws removed. I'm waiting for you to pick me. You won't regret it!

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Dog-Cat Relationship

• The cat deliberately walks under the dog’s belly, causing the dog to look confused.

• The dog happily runs in circles around the cat, while the cat gives a slow, unimpressed blink.

• The cat randomly sprints across the room, and the dog excitedly follows—having no idea why.

• The dog and cat stare at each other before suddenly zooming off in opposite directions.

• The cat plays with a toy mouse, and the dog steals it, thinking it’s a game.

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