Hello! This is Mason!

Hello, my name is Mason and in a perfect world, I would be a painter. So, allow me to paint you a picture! You've just gotten home from work. I am right there to greet you at the door with nothing other than your favorite puppy kisses and hugs! We go outside where you relax on a comfy chair with your favorite drink and watch me romp around in the backyard. Once I am all tuckered out from playing, we go inside and spend the evening curled up together on the couch. Doesn't that sound lovely? Call today to make that your reality with me!

My Profile


King Charles Spaniel






9 weeks





My Info

Hello, my name is Mason and in a perfect world, I would be a painter. So, allow me to paint you a picture! You've just gotten home from work. I am right there to greet you at the door with nothing other than your favorite puppy kisses and hugs! We go outside where you relax on a comfy chair with your favorite drink and watch me romp around in the backyard. Once I am all tuckered out from playing, we go inside and spend the evening curled up together on the couch. Doesn't that sound lovely? Call today to make that your reality with me!

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Dog-Cat Relationship

• The cat knocks treats off the counter, and the dog gobbles them up instantly.

• The dog distracts the owner while the cat steals food from the table.

• The cat wakes up the dog when it’s time to eat.

• The dog barks at something outside, and the cat immediately goes to investigate.

• The cat teaches the dog how to open cabinets (a true nightmare for owners).

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