Hello! This is Astro!

Greetings! My name is Astro and I'm a charming Golden Retriever puppy. I can be very charming and regal, but I have a fun side. I love to romp around outside, and I also thoroughly enjoy fun times playing tug of war. In the evenings I do like to relax and calm down with some cuddles and pets. You'll never miss an exciting moment with me around. Are you interested in taking me home? Reserve me today!

My Profile


Golden Retriever






7 weeks





My Info

Greetings! My name is Astro and I'm a charming Golden Retriever puppy. I can be very charming and regal, but I have a fun side. I love to romp around outside, and I also thoroughly enjoy fun times playing tug of war. In the evenings I do like to relax and calm down with some cuddles and pets. You'll never miss an exciting moment with me around. Are you interested in taking me home? Reserve me today!

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Dog-Cat Relationship

• The cat hisses at a visitor, and the dog immediately barks in agreement.

• The dog and cat team up to beg for food, using synchronized sad eyes.

• The cat watches the dog dig a hole, then hides its own treasures in it.

• The dog is scared of thunder, so the cat pretends to be brave (but is secretly scared too).

• The cat pretends not to care about the dog… until someone else plays with it.

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