Hello! This is Bentley!

Stop right there and look no further! Bentley the Pomeranian is the one you have been looking for! He will win your heart with his first puppy kiss. He is the perfect cuddle buddy. He is always ready to curl up with you and snuggle up right. Bentley comes with a microchip, AKC registration papers, and his dew claws removed. Make this cutie your cuddle buddy, and he will be sure to be the perfect addition you have searched for!

My Profile








10 weeks





My Info

Stop right there and look no further! Bentley the Pomeranian is the one you have been looking for! He will win your heart with his first puppy kiss. He is the perfect cuddle buddy. He is always ready to curl up with you and snuggle up right. Bentley comes with a microchip, AKC registration papers, and his dew claws removed. Make this cutie your cuddle buddy, and he will be sure to be the perfect addition you have searched for!

Contact Information


(866) 240-9529

#Dog-Cat Relationship

• The cat does the "elevator butt" stretch, and the dog looks very confused.

• The cat walks over the dog’s back, and the dog freezes like it’s being attacked.

• The dog excitedly licks the cat, and the cat wipes its face like it was poisoned.

• The cat and dog accidentally bump noses, and both of them act like the world just ended.

• The dog watches the cat sharpen its claws like, "That’s a weapon of mass destruction."

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