Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier, nicknamed the "American Gentleman," is a small, friendly, and intelligent dog with a tuxedo-like coat. Weighing 12-25 pounds, this affectionate breed is great with families and adapts well to apartment living. With minimal grooming needs and a playful yet relaxed nature, Boston Terriers make excellent companions.

#Fun Dog Facts

• Dogs Can Smell Diseases – They can detect cancer, diabetes, and even impending seizures.

• Their Noses Are 40 Times More Sensitive Than Humans – A dog's sense of smell is incredibly powerful.

• Dogs Can Hear Four Times Better Than Humans – They detect sounds at higher frequencies and greater distances.

• Dogs’ Noses Stay Wet to Help Smell – The moisture captures scent particles more effectively.

• They Dream Just Like Humans – Dogs experience REM sleep, meaning they can dream!

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